Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Most days in the Wischmeier household are spent doing the same ol' same ol'. Laundry, Dishes, Diapers, Breakfast, Lunch, Snacks, Legos, Wii, Toy Room, Grocery shopping, Costco. You know..same ol'.

And I LOVE it. And I wouldn't have it any other way. People don't understand why I don't shower every day or why I can't call them back. Well now you know. I am busy putting my children and Husband first. And that's perfectly find by me.


Ben and I often stare at our children, then look at eachother and say "We have really great kids!!"

Each one of them is different, but they are also very much alike. They all share with each other. We started ordering adult meals at McDonalds or other places and we basically don't give them any other option but to share..and you would think it would cause a problem but it doesn't! Abby and Mac have been playing baseball these last months, and after each game they each get a snack, which they willing share with each other and their younger siblings! So sweet. Abby will play baseball inside the house with her little brothers, and she's so patient!

Several times each day Finn just randomly walks up to Jack and kisses him on the head.

Mac will just walk up to you and tell you " Mom you're my favoritest Mom in the whole world."

Abby begs us to cuddle with her. And she is always wanting to "help" us.

Jack will take his sweet little chubby hands and pull at your neck and face until you look at him. And when you do look at him, he looks at you like he's missed you. It's like he's looking right into my heart.

Our children are sweet and tender, loving and kind and it comes all from their Daddy.