Saturday, August 15, 2009

Little Helpers

Mac and Abby really enjoy helping us when it comes to just about anything around the house, except for picking up their own toys....weird I know.
Here they are helping Daddy put together Mac's new big kid bed. Abby came running down the stairs with both goggles saying "Dad I got our safety goggles." It's super dangerous to put together a plastic bed, so she was just taking the proper safety precautions!! So cute.


Shauna said...

Allison!!!! I just became of a new blog that to me screams you! Make sure you read the story of how she and her husband met (it might take a couple days), there's a link in the confessions section and its called, "Black heels to tractor wheels" It's a HOOT!!

Gabriel said...

Yes. Safety first. Clearly Abby is the child of a man with a degree in Corporate and Industrial Hygiene. Future OSHA Regulator or Fashion Icon? ... to be determined...

The Allens said...

Your kids are so gosh dang cute I want to wrap them up and ship them to my house! I hope things are going slightly better with fussy Finn. Did the Chiro help at all? I took Gibson and it was amazing, his TMJ was pulled out during delivery and the Chiro just popped it back it and he was so much better!! I miss you and someday we will see each other again!
