Wednesday, November 28, 2012

The Island

As long as we have lived here our children have especially loved our "island." Here they play under the three small oak trees gathering all the pine nuts their little hearts desire. They like to pretend to be the mailman and deliver each others mail. They like to tie ropes up into the tress and pretend to be pirates.But, I think most of all they love to bike, run, and scooter their way around the island to see who can win the race. It's the fall and spring season in which we take the most advantage of the Island.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Letting go

After a wonderful visit from an equally as wonderful visitor, I am finally free of a something that has bothered me tremendously over the last couple of years. This certain thing probably shouldn't be shared with the world, only because people find offense in the silliest of things, so I'll keep my mouth shut on specifics. But I will tell you this...People who tear you down, belittle you and talk horribly behind your back, are not worth keeping around. They are not worth the hours you spend worrying over why they don't like you, or why they say awful things about you. They aren't worth my time anymore. 

I have finally let go. I have let go of caring and giving of crap of what they say or think of me. It means nothing to me now, and it feels so good.

I am going to keep on being Allison, because that's how it's supposed to be. Love it or leave it. And I'll continue being thankful for those who love me, support me and laugh with me, because that is what life is all about. 

Sunday, November 11, 2012

On the homefront

Since school and after school activities have started life on the homefront is busy. But we like it that way! Abby just finished her first ever season of Volleyball and she of course was amazing! She got most of the points for our team each game because she's such a great server! I had the opportunity to coach her team and I had a lot of fun. It's my first time coaching a sport, and at the end of each practice I would just thank my lucky stars that Abby got to go home with me : ) Some kids are just a little too much for me to handle sometimes..I'm thankful my kiddos are so good to me! Right now Abby is playing baseball and swimming, and taking piano lessons! She's a busy, happy girl!

Mac started taking Tae Kwon Do and he seems to like it enough. He's such a quiet kid that really I have no idea if he's enjoying it! He just started play basketball, and he's in his second year of preschool. He can write his name out pretty well now and he's getting used to his new bike that we bought for his birthday. Mostly he keeps to himself, playing with his legos or ninja turtles.

Finn started his first year of preschool, he didn't love it at first but he's come around! I am sure it helps that Mac is there with him. Finn is enjoying learning all about the alphabet and his writing his name out, it's cute because whenever he sees a "F" anywhere he'll say "look Mama my name!! He is super excited for his basketball season to start up and his favorite line to say right now is "that's not fair!"

Jack is getting into the monster/destroyer phase. It's not fun most of the time, I have to watch his every move. One of his favorite things is to open our junk drawer and find all the pens, markers, and sharpies and draw all over the couch, the carpet, the baseboards, the walls...really anything!! He is talking more and he especially likes the word No! He loves balls, like a typical Wischmeier kid!! It's really hard on me to watch him grow up, he's my baby and of course it goes by much too fast.

Ben is good, he wakes up at 4am to go workout each that's dedication! He's always so happy and positive, I admire him so much. He makes life so happy and easy for me.

Life is good for us. Busy, happy and having fun...with the occasional Mom melt down of course : )

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


I came across this beautiful little number. It sums up how I feel about my life each and every day. What a wonderful gift this beautiful Earth is to us. Everyday I am surrounded in constant beauty, whether it be my sweet children, handsome husband or this incredible Earth. I am so very thankful for life. 


“In the beginning (but not really the beginning—only a moment in the span of existence that is always), I learned of a plan of my Heavenly Father for me and my spirit brothers and sisters. Himself exalted and perfected and holy, our beloved Father wanted us to have a chance to follow his path. His firstborn, our elder Brother, Jesus, would organize a world where we could live and grow and learn to love and truly care. It would be a difficult experience in a world of imperfect men and irrevocable law, and we must choose if we would follow him.
“And so, … I said, ‘Yes.’ And I waited for my turn.
“[Jesus] set about making a world for me and you, the Father’s children. And one day I left a place I cannot remember now to come here, to begin the union of my life with the earth.
“In the hazy brightness that is childhood, there was the first recognition of beauty—the smell of eucalyptus, the first encounters with sea and sun and sand, and fog—wet droplets on my face, a bee, flowers, and cypress trees bent strangely by the wind.
“And as I grew, so the world became more marvelous; and deep inside began the warm, sweet pain that is earth-love.
“[Jesus] made light that falls soft and silvery at night and makes shadow patterns in the wind—light, golden-blue, and gentle in the days of spring sun—and light that spreads its colors first faintly red to orange to golden, to dispel the blue-black that is night—sunrise. And I have eyes to see.
“And he made wind to rustle softly through a thousand leaves, glistening silver-slippery water to sing and stumble on its way to the sea, and birds to fill the morning air with soft flute-tones. And I have ears to hear.
“He made hands to touch in the bright warmth that is ‘How are you?’ or ‘I will help’ or ‘I begin to love you’; and eyes to speak, to see beyond the words, to understand, to discover.
“He gave me a heart that sees and hears and feels the earth he made, and deep within me earth-love swells to overflowing. He gave me tears of joy to shed.
“You have these things, too. They are gifts—blessings beyond our ability to receive.
“And someday when I have seen [Jesus] again and my Father has welcomed me back, I hope, with my mate, to be able to begin the direction of a world like this. And our children will turn in the cold sweetness of morning light to heavens of their earth with eyes that glisten with tears born of earth-love to say, ‘Thank you, Father’”- Ann Busath

Monday, September 10, 2012

Summer 2012

What a fun summer it was!! It flew by and now hopefully as we head into fall the temperature will go down and we'll be able to play outside more! Here's a few pictures from our summer.
Jack loves the trampoline!
 Finn loved his first basketball season!

Abby learned how to mow the yard!

Jack learned his new super corny smile!

Abby started second grade!

Mac started Tae Kwon Do!

Jack loves all things to do with a straw!

Abby rides her bike to school!!

Jack...he's just the sweetest!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Crystal Beach Texas

After two long years we finally made it back to the beach! It's only about an hour and a half away, and we wonder why we don't go more often! This time we decided to take a ferry to a little island off Galveston, and I'm glad we did! The kids loved it and the ferry ride was only ten minutes each way.

As soon as the kids saw the beach they were so excited to get out and get wet! The weather was perfect, a little overcast with nice big clouds!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Utah 2012

Uncle Spud was getting married, so off to Utah we went. Mapquest says it's a 24 hour drive, we managed to make the first trip up only last 26 hours. That includes us stopping for dinner, playing at a wonderful park and  driving straight through the night, then stopping for breakfast and finally making it to Orem! The kids surprised me and did amazingly well!

We stayed at Grandma Bonnie's childhood home. It's so cozy and has a perfect backyard for the kiddos. They especially loved jumping on the trampoline in the 85 degree weather and sleeping on the tramp at night! (We loved the beautiful Utah weather!!)

It was off to Manti Utah for the wedding, and it was so beautiful! After that we headed to their wedding reception at a lavender farm, it was complete with a pond with paddle boats, climbing wall, play sets, name was there!! So much fun! 

The next day we went to Temple Square. What a treat! It's so peaceful and beautiful there! We were able to meet up with a couple of our Houston friends there and the kids were so happy to see their buddies! 

We ate at Cafe Rio, and In n Out... as always it was delish and something to look forward to! 

Then it was off to head home. We made that trip back in 27 hours...not too bad! The last two hours were torture for Jack. Poor thing...he sat in his carseat the whole way, he earns a gold star for that trip! Mac of course never made a peep the whole 53 hours, Abby was an amazing helper and such a good traveler, and Finn was.. Finn...super needy, cranky, and loud, but overall he did pretty good. The poor thing just wanted to get out and play! 

Even though we did have a blast being with and seeing our family, we might take a few years off until our next looooong roadtrip!!