We just stayed home each and every day of February trying not to infect all of our friends. Mac fell asleep behind the chair going poo... that was funny. It really took it outta him : )
One day Mac was doing the FUNNIEST thing ever. He just stood at the top of the stairs looking down at us with his lips in full pout-mode. So Funny. He literally stood there for 10 minutes.
It was perfect for a good smooch though.
Finn is an official crawler. Which is crazy. I have to put on my crawling eyes now and make sure nothing.. and I mean nothing is on the floor for him to eat. I can't tell you how many times I have already found a foreign object in his mouth.
He has also learned how to pull himself up. Now the crib is a bit more fun for him. Abby is beautiful. She just started T-ball again.. and she's awesome.
This is how she dresses herself most days. And I love it.
She's not short of personality, thats for sure.
That was our February. Hopefully March will be full of sunshine, healthy kids and lots of park adventures!!
These are great pictures. The kids are growing up so fast. They're all so cute! I skyped with Ben and Finn yesterday, it was great! Finn did his head nod! He seemed so observant and gave me really great grins! It was perfect. Love you all! Disneyland... countdown...
Really, I ask you, what outfit cannot be enhanced by softball socks?
I think Finn is looking more and more like Ben. They are all so cute.
sorry you were all sick! it's the worst. your kids are so cute - LOVE abby's outfit!:)
Allison, I can't stand how cute the kids are!!! and how big they are getting!! I love you all and miss you all. Love Bonnie
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