Monday, February 8, 2010

January in pictures.

Abby's certificate of awesomeness..... This is what Finn was doing while is big sister was getting her yellow belt. Oh... I could eat him.

Oh Man.. this IS the cutest pictures I have ever seen of McConnell.
Abby and Dad made their first ever homemade whipped cream. YUM!!
Mac has taken a recent liking in his little bro. So sweet.

Finn has found the door stopper thingy ma-bob.
He's pretty proud of himself. Finn is also starting the first steps of crawling....

Where you think you're goin???

I just finished my first class of my online schooling. It was super easy, but I still found myself questioning why I decided now was a good time to go back to school. Yes it will be hard with having to take care of kids,the home front and being in school, but I'm just taking it one class at time and we'll see how it goes. I am pretty sure it will only take me about ten more years to get my degree... haha.. I've got nothing but time!!!But in the mean time I am trying my very hardest to enjoy my babies before they grow up and think I'm corniest person alive.


Erin said...

I'm happy that you are going back to school. What are you majoring in?

Mama Wisch said...

I really don't know yet.. probably the easiest one I can do!! Online degrees are pretty limited, so I think I am going to do Family and Marriage Sciences.. or it's called something like that. I want to teach high school health one day, and the great thing about Texas that I just need a bachelor degree in anything in order to teach health.

Gabriel said...

I love these picture updates! Finn's going to be walking before I get to hold him! Great pictures and good update... Thanks!

Laurel said...

Such cute pictures. You'll be able to get trhough school. You're amazing!

DeAnn said...

It looks like there's never a dull moment at your house. Cute kids.

DeAnn said...

It looks like there's never a dull moment at your house. Cute kids.

Sarah C said...

Ben looks so much like Uncle Bob (or just Bob to those of you whose uncle he is not) in those pictures.

The Youngblood Family said...

I changed my degree from Education to Psych because all the classes are online at University of Houston Victoria. Well, except statistics, but I only go 1 night a week at the Cinco Ranch campus. Just a suggestion. :)

that lady said...

oh my goodness! cutest kids in the world! Good ob going back to school- you're so AMAZING!! 3 kids and school! I'm about halfway done and CRAMMING in a full 15 credit schedule right now trying to get ahead while I can before this baby is born! AH! hopefully I still have momentum once she comes and I keep going! Oh I pray I will! miss you al! you're coming with your fam in April to the beach right? I'm SOO excited to see you guys! I will be HUGE but ready to party! haha. love you!