Monday, June 14, 2010

Compost Surprise

We started a compost bin a few months back.. and we have kind of neglected it just a little bit. Even though we haven't really taken the best care of it... it has been kind to us.... While snooping around in the beautiful vines, we have found 2 watermelons, one roma tomato plant, and one almost ripe cantaloupe. We think it's pretty cool.
"Mama look a WATERMELLON!!"


Maureen said...

Looks like some fun and tasty surprises!

DeAnn said...

I've never found anything like that in my compost.

Bonnie said...

That's compost!!! You have got to be kidding me??? I have never found a cute little blond haired blue eyed boy in my compost...I am running out there to check right now!!!