Thursday, October 25, 2007

Politics and Education -By Ben

I just love living in Seattle! Going to school at the University of Washington has opened my eyes to the inconsistencies found in the liberal world. It's funny how they get so uptight about equality in everything (like save the whales, but abortion is just fine) and feel no distain in submitting students to their own political agendas. If I were to give a discussion in class about how much I dislike former President Clinton for his immorality and lies, I would be repremanded for not seperating politics from education, but it's perfectly acceptable for a professor to rant and rave about the injustices found in the world under President Bush.

Global warming is the other issue that I'm a little squirmy about. In my field of environmental health and safety, it's definately an issue that comes up frequently. There seems to be no question that the amount of carbon emissions throughout the world are increasing, but to see the amount of effort, both statistically and scientifically, that goes into "proving" that the Bush administration is responsible for the problems of the world (after all, George W. did cause Hurricane Katrina), that same amount of effort does not go into proving that these carbon emissions are actually causing the "global warming" that we're experiencing. As far as research goes, there's just too much hype in Mr. Gore and his movement to even question that it could be caused by other means, such as the cycles of the sun (the sun expands and contracts) or other methods.

Anyway, I'm just bitter because I got an earfull this morning when a guest lecturer spoke more about the problems with our current political administration than he did about the subject of the class.

But that's life in the world of liberalism. They want their voice to be heard, but don't want to hear anyone else's. So is that equality??

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