Thursday, February 28, 2008

Hooray for HOUSTON!!!

Chevron offered Ben the job in Houston!!! YEAA!!! We are all so happy, and feel so blessed that Heavenly Father answered our prayers. I am somewhat in shock right now, so I will report more later.

We get to buy a home, have a backyard, have a master bedroom that is hopefully four times the size of ours now, I can yell at the kids without worrying the neighbors think I am killing them!!! JOYOUS!!!


Emma said...

Congratulations! Ask me anything you want to know! I don't know if you'll move into my old ward or not, but I've got some connections!

Roni said...

That is awesome! We sure will miss you here though.

Shauna said...

Whoooooooooo hoooooooo! (Texan style), now you know that the only condition of living in Texas is that anytime anyone mentions your state you have to give a holler - seriously don't do that, because its dang annoying! Congratulations!!!!

Kris Kanenwisher said...

Congratulations. Bob told Chris today. We are sooo excited for you guys. I've got a friend in Texas, it's awesome there. Yeeee hawww!

Gabriel said...

Yeah!! I posted a comment on the family blog as well, but wanted to just say how much I love my Seattle, soon to be Houston Wischmeier's! So much possibility and opportunity. This is the next major step for your family and it will be a blessed one. Talk to you soon. Love you all! Love you Abby-Pie Scrumptious Snickerdoodle Yum-Yum! Love you Mac Attack!
Uncle Gabe

robin marie said...


Jessica Jo said...

Very exciting, I hear Texas is a great place, and much more affordable than Seattle!

Julia said...

That's awesome. Congrats!

Rebekah said...

Congratulations! That's so exciting about the house and yard...jealous! And you know, at the Texas State Fair they serve deep-fried battered Twinkies and Snickers. Just a small change from Seattle. If you're going to go go Texas!

Kris Kanenwisher said...

Hey, we are on for the Kitchen Saturday the question is kid or kidless? How adventurous are you feeling? We'll call too.

cat said...

congrats! i am so excited for you guys!

jules said...

YAY!! Sorry it's taken so long for me to come visit your blog. :) I'm so excited for you guys. I liked going to high school in Houston - minus the humidity, I enjoyed how friendly and conservative people were in general. When do you start?

Kailey said...

BOOOOO for Houston for taking you away. I am happy for you and your family though. It feels so good to have school behind you and your life as "real" grown-ups to look forward to. Congrats!! We'll miss ya!