Saturday, February 2, 2008

Toddler Reassurance

While having a tough time trying to be a good mom, and feeling like I am a particularly bad mother. (Mac is sick, and Abby's two years old and likes to wear on my patience) It has been a long day, Mac has been crying almost the whole day, and I have been getting more and more upset. Why do I let his cry bother me so much?? I just wish that I could be a better mom... better yet the best Mom!! I feel awful, I feel like I am not meant to do this (meaning parenting). But thank goodness for my Abby girl. She made me feel much better. Here is our conversation.

Abby: "Mom, we need to talk about it." (She says this after noticing that I am sad and upset)

Mom: Yeah.

Abby: So Jesus, He just wants you to sings songs and be happy.

Mom: So Jesus just wants us to sing songs??

Abby: Yeah, cause Jesus wants.......(Abby currently deep in thought... she pauses)...... Jesus wants ME for a sunbeam.

Abby: And Heavenly Father and God are the... same! And Jesus is the same.

Mom: That's right Abby.... should we sing a song?

Abby: YEAH!! Let's sing that song.. Jesus wants me for a jingle bell.

So this conversation quickly turned from very spiritual to a Christmas jingle bells song. None the less she made me feel so much better. With her I am always reminded that I have second chances to be a better Mom everyday. That is as long as I give her fruit snacks.
I am not going to lie.... parenting is hard for me. But I am so very grateful that I have my wonderful husband to be here for me, and that I have my absolutely crazy daughter to make me laugh and realize that everything is going to be alright.


Emma said...

That is such a sweet story. Being a mom is not easy for me either, but I love it!

Kris Kanenwisher said...

You are an awesome Mom. Awesome people turn into awesome Moms. Can't make anything taste bad with chocolate in it, and you my girl, are the chocolate. I understand those days though. Our kids knock us down and then jump on us, only because they love us ;) Abby's awesome. She made me smile too.

Denise said...

Abby is so cute. It's usually the unconditional love from my kids (which I'm not always sure I deserve)that gets me through the tough days. They always tell me they love me no matter how awful I've been.

Kailey said...

I think your daughter is pure genius! Didn't Kermit the frog have a song about singing a song to make you happy? You are SUCH a good person Allison! You couldn't have such a sweet and smart daughter if you weren't! Besides, we have to have those moments of doubt to keep us at trying to do better! And a little reassurance from your friends never hurts too! ;-)

Julia said...

The very fact that your daughter 1) was compassionate enough to try to make you feel better; 2) knew all about Jesus and Heavenly Father and how much they love us; and 3) was able to sing songs that you've taught her...all prove that you are doing a great job as a mom.

jules said...

There is not a parent out there that feels like they are doing a great job. It's so dang hard! But those Abby moments make it all worth it. :) I know all about the crying baby days. All I can say is HANG IN THERE -- Jacob is such a happy guy at 10 months!!! :)

Erka said...

Allison, I think you are a great mom! Even the fact that you are worried about it proves that you are a good and responsible parent.
Parenting seems to be a challenge for me too, but I keep telling myself that as long as I keep doing my best, Heavenly Father will bless my family and my kids will probably turn out alright!
Abby is such a sweet smart girl! If my Julia turns out anything like her in a year, I will be one very happy mother!
Erka Gardner

Jessica Jo said...

Well I think that conversation lets you know that you are a good mother! She's adorable! And you are not alone in feeling lost in the parenting world :)

Suzanne said...

I agree with you, parenting is NO fun. I am still waiting for that moment when your kids remind you that being a mother is all worth it. Any time now.

cat said...

yep, parenting is the hardest thing i have ever done (and probably ever will do). there are those nights when i can't get to bed because i am thinking about all of the things that i should have done that day and didn't. and i still can't understand why i can get so frustrated with the little people that i think are the most perfect things in the world. *sigh*

Bri said...

Abby is so adorable. I miss you, are you back? are you coming to my card party saturday? How was your trip? sorry to be so questiony.

Shauna said...

What a sweetie pie!